
Left brain dominant traits
Left brain dominant traits

left brain dominant traits

The brain is used holistically although some personality types are more analytical than artistic.

left brain dominant traits

Although the functions of the brain is divided based on its hemisphere, even a particular functions to be executed, it would still need the entire brain. The right hemisphere of the brain is more on creativity and face recognition.

left brain dominant traits

The left hemisphere of the brain is in-charge of the cognitive functions such as speech and language. The brain’s two lateral halves also known as left hemisphere and right hemisphere have neurons/receptors which are used for various bodily functions. Visual perception is impairedCan’t see or perceive things on the left side of the body.Short attention span.Poor decision-making Slow learning processImpulsiveness Not able to understand both spoken and written wordsCan’t see or perceive things on the right side of the body. Slow movements Organizing a huge body of informationDifficulty in following a sequenceRemembering names Language both verbal and writtenMathematics and analytics SequencingReading, writing, spellingĪrtsMusic CoordinationMulti-dimensional thinkingRemembering a place, faces, or events Random thoughtsNon-verbal processingHolistic thinkingFantasy-oriented Rational decision-makingLinear thinkingReality-oriented IntuitionSpatial awarenessMusicCreativityFacial recognitionArtRhythm Speech and languageMathematical computationsRational reasoningLogical analysis Leftright asymmetries of brain and behavior are now known to be widespread among both vertebrates and invertebrates, and can arise through a number of genetic, epigenetic, or neural mechanisms. One myth that persists even in some scientific circles is that asymmetry is uniquely human. ( 4)Ī detailed comparison between the right brain hemisphere and the left brain hemisphere is shown in the table below. Evolution of Brain Asymmetries, with Implications for Language.

  • Difficulty in organizing things such as arranging information and planning.
  • Difficulty in recalling significant events such as the time, date, and place.
  • The person’s social communication skills are affected such as interpreting abstract language, understanding jokes, making inferences, and understanding non-verbal cues.
  • For instance, some students may struggle with specific assignment types or test questions. The dominant brain type affects the students study skills, homework habits, and grades. Take more risks and don’t be afraid to be creative. Take advantage of maths and science skills.
  • The person fails to identify problems or even generate solutions. Advice for Left Brain Students is to study in quiet environments.
  • The patient can’t recall the previously learned information as well as difficulty in learning new information.
  • Difficulty in processing the information on the left visual field.
  • The left side of the body can’t attend to things.
  • The patient finds it challenging to focus on concentrate on a task.

  • Left brain dominant traits